3 Kilo Yerba Mate Variety Pack From Argentina - Free Shipping to U.S!

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3 Kilo Variety Pack

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Get the most popular brands of yerba mate form Argentina and Uruguay.

Choose from these brands:
Canarias Brand  (Without stems)
Canarias Serena Brand  (Without stems)

CBSe Hierbas Serranas
Cruz de Malta con palo (with stems)
La Hoja con palo - OUT OF STOCK -
Nobleza Gaucha con palo - OUT OF STOCK -
Pipore Seleccion Especial con palo (with stems)
con palo (with stems)
Rosamonte Despalada (without stems)

Rosamonte Especial con palo (with stems)
Rosamonte Suave
con palo (with stems)
Taragui yerba mate (with stems)
Taragui yerba mate (without stems) - OUT OF STOCK -
Union Suave
con palo (with stems)

This is a great opportunity to try a variety of different styles and regional tastes along with your favorites.

Please send an email or a note when you check out and tell us which brands and how many you want and Enjoy!

Give these brands a try.

We highly recommend them.

Note: Free shipping to all U.S. destinations only.   International shipments require additonal shipping charges



yerba mate yerba mate alpaca bombilla artisan Gourd

Yerba Mate Bombillas Artisan Gourds


Peter O'Rourke on 01/12/2012 03:19pm
I just received 3kg of Rosemonte Especial from these people. The shipping was fast and the tea arrived in perfect condition as if it was just pulled from a retail shelf. You can shop around but It is hard to beat this deal. This may seem like a lot of tea, but you use a lot (about 2/3rds to 3/4ths of your mate gourd according to how strong you like it. I am thrilled with this stuff.
This is the top of the Rosemonte line (Selecion Especial) and according to the Rosemonte web site it is aged for 18 months. Below I listed some of the benefits of Yerba Mate that I found on their sight. You can go there if you like but I think you have to change to Google Argentina. Just Google: Google Argentina and it will give you a link. At the Rosemonte site you can change to English. It is worth a look at their site as it is very slick and the growing and production of the product is quite fascinating.

Benefits of Yerba Mate (provided by Rosemonte): It is one of the vitamin-rich plants. It stimulates the muscular, pulmonary activity and regulates the beating of heart. In addition, it produces a well-being sensation, vigor and intellectual lucidity. It has hepatoprotector, diuretic and digestive functions, besides it optimizes the nutritional absorption of the organism regulating all his functions of assimilation.

The infusion presents energetic and invigorating properties due to the content of matein that stimulate the central nervous system and promote the mental activity, with the positive particularity of not interfering with the normal patterns of dream. It also contains antirust action by substances called flavonoids.

Because of the elevated tannin content it is used to treat ulcers; the chopped leaves are applied on topical way on the skin, which generates an astringent and healing action.

It offers satiety sensation and it is used to collaborate with the loss of weight. It has considerable amounts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium; also, it contains diverse antioxidant substances, vitamins (To, B1, B2, C and K) and carotenes.

By this group of properties we considered to the Yerba Mate pant a source of natural energy.

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