6 Kilo Canarias Serena Yerba Mate

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6 Kilo

Canarias Serena Yerba Mate!

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Canarias Serena Yerba Mate is Uruguay's most popular brand

This popular blend is grown in Brazil and packaged in Uruguay. It is despalada or "without stem", it is preferred by most elite "Materos" around the world for the traditional flavor that is associated with the indigenous roots of yerba mate.

The leaves harvested for the production of Canarias yerba mate come from trees selected in their natural environment; this method preserves the yerba mate tradition. A combination of careful manufacturing processes and a more that adequate aging time gives Canarias yerba mate the unequaled flavor that distinguishes it among its peers.

Canarias Serena brand is a careful blend of specially selected herbs and yerba mate that is uniquely smooth and flavorful without sacrificing character.

Thanks to an exclusive blend of yerba mate, tilo, mburucuyá, mint and toronjil, Serena is ideal for the yerba mate drinker that prefers an aromatic blend with the true flavor of yerba mate.

Serena's blend of relaxing herbs offers a refreshing alternative.

Yerba mate Canarias is a superior yerba that exceeds the expectations of the most demanding yerba mate consumers.

We Highly recommend it.

Note: Free Shipping to all U.S. destinations only.    International orders will require additional shipping charges.


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